Exxon Mobil Conference center, Houston, Texas, USA
In collaboration with Bailey Architects, Houston

The conference center is located in a wooden peninsula. The surface area of the center is about 20,000 Sf. The building is connected with the rest of the ExxonMobil campus by a pedestrian bridge that is a natural part of the center's architectural design. The one story structure is gently placed inside an unspoiled wooden area floating slightly above the ground not to disturb natural water drainage from the site. The location had been carefully studied to preserve as many trees as possible to minimize the envionrmental impact.

The concept itself is based on two planes: the concrete slab and a six foot tall plane consisting of plenum to create a free space between them. Only the mass of stonewalls that contain service functions are running in the strips across the open space. The strong visual connection with the exterior contributes to a feeling of transparency.

Merit Award, AIA Houston 2004

Photo credits: Gerald Moorhead, FAIA, and Jara Kloucek, AIA

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